Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mountain biking

                      MOUNTAIN BIKING

YAYYYYYY! We were almost about to do Mountain Biking. I was extremely excited about it especially splashing the puddles with the bike, rain dripping out of the sky and getting all MUDDY! The  birds are chirping like If they were having a fight! The river was making waves back and forth calmly. I was with my group Kotare(Tayla, Ryan, Ruslan, Terry, Ella, Alison, Angel, Simone and Me) , and bigfoot and the parents.

I was now time to wear a helmet, I put my hat on wet and slimy grass and wore my helmet. The helmet was very comfortable. Now it was time to get the bikes I got a awesome bike.Then the bigfoot was now explaining about brakes, gears speed. When Bigfoot finished we were riding our bikes on the muddy dirt taking turns who to
go first.

Once everyone in kotare had a turn to be first we started practicing using the ramps. The ramps was SO hard, when I pedaled up I fell down on the wet grass. I saw around that I was not the only person. We practiced a few time and on the last time I achieved all the ramps!  Now time to pack up I was so sad because it was so fun. I was excited about rock climbing. But first we did morning tea.
